Dec. 2000 - the Maps and the Progress Made

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Red - Clinton Takings
Red Striped - Clinton / Babbitt Proposed
Green - Federal Owned/Managed
Tan - Indian Reservations
Yellow - Private Lands
Mountain Pictures - Forest Service
Percentage of federal
ownership in
western states.
This map was constructed from core, buffer, and corridor area parameters 
from the Wildlands Project by Dr. Michael Coffman
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click for Larger View

"We must identify our enemies and drive them into oblivion." - Bruce Babbitt, 1991

By 1996, the Clinton administration proudly claimed to have added or extended control over new public lands amounting to the size of the state of West Virginia.

Federal Land Acquisition or Expansion of Control under Clinton

Grand Staircase-Escalante, Utah - 1.7 million acres
Grand Canyon Parashant, Arizona - 1.1 million acres
Aqua Fria, Arizona - 71,000 acres
Pinnacles, California - 8,000 acres
California Coastal - 840 miles (offshore coastline)
Hanford Reach, Washington - 200,000 acres
Cascade/Siskiyou, Oregon - 52,000 acres
Canyons of the Ancients, Colorado - 164,000 acres
Ironwood Forest, Arizona - 134,000 acres
Sequoia National Forest, California - 328,000 acres
around the northwestern Hawaii islands and  their vast coral reefs - 84 million acre ecosystem preserve

Additional Proposed Monuments

Craters of the Moon, Idaho - 661,000 acres
Vermillion Cliffs, Arizona & Utah - 293,000 acres
Missouri Breaks, Montana - minimum of 230,000 acres
Steens Mountain, Oregon - minimum of 143,000 acres
Santa Rosa Peak, California - minimum of 31,000 acres

Federal Purchases (Land Legacy)

Baca Ranch, New Mexico - 96,000 acres
Mojave Desert, California - 405,000 acres, thanks to a $15 million donation from the non-profit Wildlands Conservancy.

 some 2 million acres for habitat protection of endangered species and Clean Water Act restrictions, as well as more than a million acres in areas of "critical concern" and wilderness designations.  Proposed habitat "buffer zones" extending up to 100 miles from river shorelines alone amount to over 150,000 river miles.  It should be noted that in every case when a National Heritage Site was enact4ed by the Clinton administration, the amount of land acquired proved greater than expected, in some cases twice as much as had been suggested.


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Thanks to the RANGE Magazine for the use of the maps and information set forth above. Go to
their website for more information: