Property Rights and Wrongs: Web of intrigue is spun while America sleeps.

The idea of a secret organization controlling world events is not new. During the French Revolution, the Jacobeans were such a group.

Today, questions about the pervasive presence of Council on Foreign Relations members at the levers of power could be asked. Statements about the drastic changes required in the name of ‘sustainable development’ by high government officials begs serious examination. Influential people call for a one world government.

Problematic with unaccountable power is abuse and tyranny. Read a history book; read the bible. Be it Asyrians hacking parts off of live people, or Stalin reducing the Ukrainian population through starvation, lack of control over government breeds unpleasantness for most citizens.

The beauty and genius of the United States Constitution are the checks and balances of representative democracy. Remove the checks and balances, and the people will have lost control. Because of man’s nature, tyranny will result. History bears witness.

‘Sustainable development’ is a concept which embodies the philosophy that environmental disaster is eminent unless we abandon our slow cumbersome system of governance. Central to this opinion is the view that the earth is a living organism, actions of man are detrimental to ecosystems, which results in a loss of biodiversity. Pantheism is this belief system in its religious form.

Teaching this religion is a major element of outbased education (OBE). Current public education theory is premised on the idea that a new society can be molded through group dynamic conditioning of young minds, what during the Korean Conflict was called ‘brainwashing’.

Traditional education is avoided. The history taught is appropriately politically correct: Earthday will soon be a more revered holiday than the 4rth of July. People would become a ‘human capital’ for corporations.

Whether by Vice President Al Gore, numerous cabinet chiefs, or the President’s Council on Sustainable Development, the people of the United States are being told US leadership is taking us towards adoption the Biodiversity Treaty, a product of a 1992 United Nations conference in Brazil. Implications of this course deserve a discussion not seen in mainstream media.

According to the implementing documents of this treaty, local rule will be accomplished through ‘watershed councils’. These committees have already been quietly formed in many areas. Similar groups, under communism, are called soviets, although emphasis on ‘consensus’ is more characteristic of China’s brand of government than the Soviet Union’s flavor.

As the plan unfolds, the local councils will report to bio-regional councils, which in turn will report to the United Nations. Control will be from the top down. Gone will be such lofty sentiments as "We the people hold these truths to be self evident..."

Also jettisoned will be resource extraction along with associated economies, automobiles, modern agriculture, single family residences, the United States of America, private property, high meat diets, and other accruements of civilization. How odd that the press can’t find a worthy news story here!

Sovereignty of Indian tribes is a tool employed to circumvent the legislative process. Wherever possible, tribes are the lead agency advancing the cause. In other localities non-government organizations (NGOs), usually an environmental group, are used as the spearhead.

Ironically, the form of governance promoted has a dismal record as the protector of the environment. A classic paper, ‘Tragedy of the Commons’, published in a 1968 ‘Nature’ magazine article chronicles the environmental destruction found in Eastern Europe after fifty years of collectivism.

Are the pending environmental calamities real? Even if the answer was yes, which numerous experts refute, is transferring unaccountable power to unelected elitists the best solution? ‘Sustainable development’ isn’t about saving the environment: It’s about consolidating power.

Let’s hope the neo-Jacobeans with their high tech guillotines don’t attack their fellow citizens with the zeal and gusto of their French Revolution counterparts. If more people awaken to these changes being planned, if a free flow of information occurs, if people attend public meetings and say no in large enough numbers, one world dictatorship will not happen!

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