NO._______________ An ordinance adding
a new chapter 27.16 to Clallam County code creating the Sequim Bay
Dungeness Watershed Clean Water District, establishing its boundaries,
and adopting a watershed protection program. C.C.C. 27.16 Shellfish
Protection District Sections: C.C.C. 27.16.01
Purpose 1. Create a shellfish
protection district as required by RCW Chapter 90.72. C.C.C.
Findings of Fact The Board of Clallam County
Commissioners finds that the following facts require the need for adopting
this ordinance: 1.
The Washington State Department of Health on April 25th, 2000
officially downgraded the classification of the commercial shellfish growing
area within Dungeness Bay, which is located on the Straits of Juan de Fuca in
Clallam County. 2.
RCW Chapter 90.72, “Shellfish District” directs the County to
establish a District within 180 days of such a downgrade and establish a
program to address the reason(s) for the downgrade. 3. It is important to protect shellfish, it is equally important to protect other beneficial uses of water. Recognizing this, the district will be called the Dungeness- Sequim Bay Watershed Clean Water District. 4. The Washington State Department of Health has determined that degradation of Dungeness Bay water quality is primarily due to sources of water pollution. 5.
The Clallam County
Department of Community Development is responsible for providing management of
on-site sewage systems and programs to remedy nonpoint surface pollution as it
exists in unincorporated Clallam County. 6. Dungeness Bay
and Sequim Bay contain commercial and recreational shellfish growing areas in
Clallam County. 7. Nonpoint water
pollution sources, including (but not limited to) agricultural surface water
runoff and failing on-site septic systems, threaten the public health and safety
of consuming shellfish harvested within the Dungeness Bay watershed. 8.
Sequim Bay is subject to many of the same nonpoint fecal coliform
pollution sources. C.C.C.
District Creation and Name The Clallam County Board of Commissioners hereby creates the Sequim Bay-Dungeness Watershed Clean Water District as authorized in RCW Chapter 90.72. C.C.C.
District Boundaries The
legal boundaries of the Clean Water District include the following areas within The
Clallam County Board of Commissioners hereby directs Clallam County Department The
Clallam County Board of Commissioners hereby adopts the Clean Water Strategy for