Politics in the Law,
A Commentary

By:  Keith Allison, D.Dn.

© 9 May 2002


            I had to go into town yesterday afternoon to buy a couple of things, and while I was in the store, I happened to run across one of the editors of our local Bird Cage Liner Gazette. Every time I see this guy, all he does is glare at me, and yesterday was no different; he just stood in the middle of the aisle, about 20 feet away, and glared at me. I suppose he expected me to make a comment about their Editorial Board’s latest attempt to re-write history, but I wouldn’t be so crass as to do anything like that in public. Besides, had I done it there, my readers wouldn’t have had a chance to read about the Bird Cage Liners Editorial Boards lack of knowledge about the Constitution.

            Our Pledge of Allegiance starts like this: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands.” Article 4, Subsection 4 of the Constitution says: “The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion;” And yet, even with these clearly enunciated and documented statements, the Editorial Board of the Bird Cage Liner Gazette continues to refer to our form of government as a “Representative Democracy.”

            Oran’s Dictionary of The Law defines a republic as: “A country with a government by elected officials and, in theory, with ultimate power in the hands of the citizens.” Oran’s goes on to define a democracy as: “Government by the people, either directly or indirectly through representatives; ideally, as a basis for a system highly protective of individual liberties.”

            Webster’s New World Dictionary, Third College Edition defines a republic as: “(1) A state or nation in which the supreme power rests in all the citizens entitled to vote (the electorate) and is exercised by representatives, elected directly or indirectly by them and responsible to them. In Webster’s, a democracy is: “(1) Government in which the people hold the ruling power either directly or through elected representatives; rule by the ruled.”

            Now folks, I’ve read the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights, indeed, each of the twenty-six amendments and their subsections; I’ve looked through various law books and dictionaries, and even my 1937 version of Webster’s, and I find no reference to a representative democracy. Could the Editorial Board of the Bird Cage Liner Gazette be in league with the politically correct, civilized faction of society?

            Ladies and gentlemen, if ours is a democracy or representative democracy, as the Editorial Board would have us believe, does it guarantee or highly protect our individual liberties? Not

Hardly, the Constitution does that! Even so, it is a right that we, as individuals, must be willing to fight for and protect. The political and bureaucratic elite’s liberties are protected, but not yours and mine. You and I are required to abide by whatever laws our politicians and bureaucrats dump on us at any given time; but not them; no, they are above those same laws.

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            Their refusal to acknowledge the constitutional mandate of a Republican form of government disturbs me, and leads me to question their motives. Are they bent on restructuring our government? If so, in which direction do they intend to drag us; a democracy? Considering the Clinton’s time in the White House, that seems unlikely. If anything, they and the rest of the democrats appeared to have a socialist agenda in mind. And had Al Gore been elected president, I have no doubt we would be suffering under the constraints of the Kyoto Agreement; the Second Amendment would have been abolished; One World Order; the One World Court; and every aspect of the United Nations Agenda 21 would have been heaped upon us. As it is, we are still plagued with the liberal’s ecological agenda, as well as Agenda 21’s unconstitutional Biosphere Programs designed to make you feel warm and cozy by protecting this, that, or the other, or because “it’s for the children.”

            There is one thing that has concerned me regardless of which party has been in office; that is the ceaseless quest for power between the bureaucracy, and the legislature’s tendency to cede legislative authority to them. The Constitution clearly states that only the legislature may enact legislation, but legislators continue to provide enabling legislation that purports to give the bureaucrats authority to formulate and enact rules with police power behind them. This is a clear violation of the Constitution, and is a power the ecology community has used to deprive citizens of their legitimate land use rights. Such unconstitutional activity must cease.

            Knowledge is the key that unlocks the shackles of bondage.

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