PUBLIC FORUM - Learn All About Rebuilding The Dosewallips River Road

Posted 3/18/04

Brinnon, WA - The Dosewallips River Road was washed out several years ago by the Dosewallips River. Since that time, difficulty has plagued the National Forest Service regarding the rebuilding of the road.

The majority of local residents and land owners want the road repaired and reconstructed. They want to see access to the Olympic National Park restored and feel that it is critical to the economic and cultural health of the community in South County.

On the other side of the debate is a small group of people, primarily from outside Jefferson County, who are actively trying to stop road repair or reconstruction. They think that the repaired road would cause stress on natural resources. They claim that the road should not be repaired, and that those who wish to visit the National Park Campground (including the handicapped) should hike the entire road past where the road was washed away. This campground, which has been outfitted to enable persons with disabilities to partake of the wilderness experience, is now in danger of being dismantled.

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