The theme of “no compromise” is causing waves in
Clallam County, in response to the local thrust, towards
repealing the Critical Areas Code (CAC).
Chairman of the Committee to Repeal the Critical Areas
Code, Bob Forde of Sequim, spoke to several groups in May
and the petitions are being signed by thousands of citizens
who are tired of excessive government restrictions on their
tax-supported properties.
At a forum held in Port Angeles, Forde also held to the
"no compromise" position when the question was
raised about making changes to the Code. "It is
so convoluted even the local planners can't interpret
it," he stated. "We need to get rid of it in
its entirety."
Forde presented the efforts of the committee and
delivered petitions to a group of 28 members of the Clallam
County Republican Party, May 21st, in Port Angeles. Many of
them were concerned and anxious to identify problems and
deal with the CAC before it is too late for the freedoms
they enjoy for their welfare, happiness, and health, as
owners of private property. A majority of those present took
petitions to get signatures, stating they want to help get
the issue on the ballot.
The Sequim resident recently spoke on Forks radio KLLM
and has attended meetings Forks, where he gathered the
largest amount of signatures, with more names accumulating
July 8 is the deadline for over 4,000 signatures to put
the repeal on the Clallam County November ballot.