By Jim Casey, Peninsula Daily News Earthquake-proof route The effort to replace it started in 1997 with public hearings on its role in Clallam County's traffic web. Officials decided a new bridge was necessary to give the Lower Elwha access to tribal housing and to add a route to the West End that could withstand an earthquake. The state Highway 112 bridge might not survive, Jacobs said. The county selected a design he called "the least costly yet environmentally friendly version" because it placed no piers in the river bed. Changing the design by placing piers in the water might save some money, he said. Any savings, however, probably would be lost to the costs of re-engineering the project and getting new environmental permits. The project also would be a sitting target for inflation during the two to three years it would take to redesign, he added. Jacobs hopes Transportation will increase its support by pulling funds from other counties' projects that are still years away. "We have a project ready to go," he said. "We have a lot of 'what-ifs' answered." Once funds could 'float' Tribal members and other motorists aren't the only people who need a new crossing of the Elwha. The National Park Service must move heavy equipment into the area to build a new wastewater treatment plant before removing the Elwha River dams, Jacobs said. Once, the bridge would have been built with 80 percent federal funds and 20 percent local money, the amounts of which would "float" as the project progressed. Now the funds are capped with months-old engineer's estimates made in the face of soaring fuel and materials costs. "We're aggressively trying to talk to our partners," Jacobs said. "We're going back to make sure they understand our need to make this happen. We're going to continue to look for other sources of funding." Jacobs hopes to return to county commissioners on June 26 with a recommendation they accept the low bid of $16.4 million by Parsons Corp. of Sumner - providing they have the money. "It's putting a lot of pressure on people to make this bridge happen," he said. "Building a bridge has to be a partnership, or it just isn't going to get done." ________ Reporter Jim Casey can be reached at 360-417-3538 or at Last modified: June 12. 2007 9:00PM