International Conference on Ecology and Transportation set to explore 'habitat connectivity', ecosystems and transportation

Posted 7/16/03

International Conference on Ecology and Transportation
August 24—29, 2003
Lake Placid, New York

This conference will explore how ecosystems and transportation infrastructure interact, how to restore habitat connectivity, and ways to reduce animal-vehicle collisions. Numerous sponsors range from the Federal Highway Administration to Defenders of Wildlife. Conservation Biologist Kathy Daly and Northeast Director Conrad Reining plan to attend.


RELATED - from one of our readers in Illinois...

Here's a link to one of their presentations about transportation - for elk or people?

The Anti-Sprawl people in Illinois are pushing the NIPC Regional Greenways and Trails, County and City 2020 and 2030 plans, APA-derived planning i.e. Smart Growth, overlay maps, rezoning based on Biodiversity and newly defined/created flood plains. And dam removal. And acquiring much land for "preservation" (to be planted in native plants and off limits to people - sorry no playground for the kids).

People pushing the dam removal and Smart Growth agenda are mainly a faction of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, the many non-profits they have created and participate in, and agencies like the USFWS and the USDA through which, I believe, federal environmental monies are made available, and the county forest preserves and county boards. Mainly a group of bureaucrats who control the grant $$$.

Illinois has over $100 million a year for "stream restoration" which means to the agenda-driven group controlling the money now, removing dams and destroying habitat, wetlands, recreation, and a priceless resource to the citizens of Illinois and residents of the Fox Valley. The justification for removing the dams is utopic, baseless and very weak. The huge sums of money can be spent much more effectively to improve the waterways of Illinois.

In fact, the dam removal plan is essentially a component plan of the so-called Wildlands Project. Here is a quick synopsis and a link to the USDA document called "Conservation Corridor Planning at the Landscape Level: Managing for Wildlife Habitat Handbook."

USDA Community Planner and "facilitator" Jody Rendziak conducted several workshops about dam removal here after the citizens got up in arms. Jody also said at a dam removal seminar meant for planners, Forest Preserve managers etc. that the more the public is involved, the more problems there are for the dam removal and corridors agenda.

Illinois streams are key to Smart Growth and the County govs are going along with it big time in its now early stages. Our Kane County board just passed a "World Asthma Month" and a "Rustic Roads" program. We have 7 months of cold to very cold weather here but our officials are buying into "pedestrian" and "bicycle" amenities as well as narrowing roads for now unneeded "traffic calming." Many of the local construction companies and civil engineering groups are licking their chops over the millions of dollars available for these cookie cutter plans.


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