County water projects to get $11 million July 28, 2002 Eight agencies in Snohomish County will receive state and
federal funds in 2003 for projects ranging from improving fish
habitats to preventing pollution in local lakes and rivers. The
total amount of funds allotted to local agencies is nearly $11
Stanwood, wastewater treatment plant upgrade,
$4.2 million grant, $4.3 million loan over 20 years.
Monroe, Eastside interceptor, $1.3 million
loan over 20 years.
Snohomish County, Snohomish River pollutant
diagnosis and implementation, $359,080 grant.
Snohomish Conservation District, small-farm
water quality improvements, $204,375 grant.
Stillaguamish Tribe, Portage Creek subbasin
restoration, $187,500 grant.
Jorgenson Slough Restoration, $163,500 grant.
Snohomish Health District, drainfield
awareness implementation project, $60,000 grant.
Lake Stevens, erosion control kiosk, $39,720
loan over 19 years.
Granite Falls, receiving water and effluent
study, $37,337 loan over 20 years.
Source: State Department of Ecology Fiscal Year
2003 Draft Offer and Applicant List
The Stillaguamish tribe plans to use $351,000 in grants for
the preservation of Portage Creek and a new tide gate at
Jorgenson Slough.
"We've spent a lot of time researching the watershed,
studying what's driving the decline of the coho salmon,"
said Pat Stevenson, Stillaguamish environmental program manager.
Planned improvements include replacing culverts, building
fences to keep livestock out of the water, and replanting
vegetation along Portage and Church creeks. The tide gate will
keep silt from building up at Jorgenson Slough.
"It's a constant headache for the flood control district
and a blockage for fish," Stevenson said.
Snohomish County applied for $359,000 to protect sections of
the Snohomish, Skykomish and Snoqualmie rivers from runoff
pollution, as well as providing education to landowners on how
to prevent spills.
"This type of work is what we're doing throughout the
county," said Meg Moorehead, Snohomish County surface
water management supervisor. "The grant allows us to
supplement local funding with state government funding."
Funds for the program come from three distinct sources.
The Centennial Water Fund uses money collected from the
state's tobacco tax proceeds to fund programs. The State Water
Pollution Control Revolving Loan Fund provides low-interest
loans to local programs and is funded in part by the money
repaid by former recipients.
The Department of Ecology will allow a month of public review
before locking in the funding.
"We will finalize the list by Sept. 30 and make a formal
offer of funds," said Kim McKee with the Ecology
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