Latest Bills Introduced in Olympia, WA
Jan. 17, 2007
from Washington
House Bill 1231 (Modifying provisions concerning pawnbrokers.):
Introduced by Rep. Steve Kirby on January 15, 2007, to increase the fee amounts a pawnbroker may charge for preparing loan documents. The bill would also allow a pawnbroker to charge a $3.00 fee for storing a firearm.
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House Bill 1276 (Creating a public-private tourism partnership.):
Introduced by Rep. Kelli Linville on January 16, 2007, to create a 19-member Washington Tourism Commission to improve the tourism industry in the state. The Commission must complete a 6-year strategic plan and a marketing plan. The bill also requires state funding to be matched through the private sector. See companion SB 5116.
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House Bill 1277 (Expanding competitive local infrastructure financing tools projects.):
Introduced by Rep. Troy Kelley on January 16, 2007, to modify and expand the financing tools used for local infrastructure improvements. Among other changes, the bill would increase the state annual contribution limit from $5 million to $7.5 million and set an expiration date of June 30, 2039. See companion SB 5115.
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House Bill 1281 (Providing retired or disabled school employees with another opportunity to enroll in a public employees' benefits board medical plan.):
Introduced by Rep. Mike Sells on January 16, 2007, to provide another opportunity to enroll in a public employee's benefits plan for retired or disabled school employees. As long as the retired employee has had coverage through another comprehensive employer group, they will be allowed to enroll in the state plan.
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House Bill 1284 (Participating in insurance plans and contracts by separated plan 2 members of certain retirement systems.):
Introduced by Rep. Eileen Cody on January 16, 2007, to modify the definition of a ‘separated employee.’ The bill makes technical changes to the definition, which generally limits coverage to those that are at least 55 and have at least 10 years of service .
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House Bill 1304 (Modifying commercial motor vehicle carrier provisions.):
Introduced by Rep. Ruth Kagi on January 16, 2007, to further regulate commercial motor vehicle carriers to enhance public safety. The bill makes several technical changes that would add to the standards and State oversight of commercial motor vehicle carriers.
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Senate Bill 5281 (Modifying the interest rate calculation on property removed from current use classification.):
Introduced by Sen. Jim Clements on January 16, 2007, to modify the calculation of applicable interest payments regarding the removal of land from current use classification. The new interest amount would be equal to the average of the rate of inflation for each year used to calculate the total amount of additional tax.
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Senate Bill 5282 (Providing a single ballot proposition for regional transportation investment districts and regional transit authorities at the 2007 general election.):
Introduced by Sen. Ed Murray on January 16, 2007, to modify transportation provisions enacted by the 2006 Legislature. The 2007 general election ballot will include two separate transportation proposals for King, Pierce, and Snohomish County residents – one from the Regional Transportation Investment District (RTID) and one from the Regional Transportation Authority (Sound Transit). Under current law, one measure cannot go into effect unless the other is also approved. This bill would combine the measures into one ballot proposal instead of two.
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Senate Bill 5286 (Concerning funding projects for Puget Sound water quality cleanup.):
Introduced by Sen. Phil Rockefeller on January 16, 2007, to create the Puget Sound Partnership Leadership Council. The Council would be responsible for monitoring and overseeing the agenda of the Puget Sound.
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Senate Bill 5289 (Increasing state contracts with veteran-owned businesses.):
Introduced by Sen. Derek Kilmer on January 16, 2007, to encourage state agencies to award 3% of all procurement contracts that are exempt from competitive bidding to veteran-owned businesses. Each agency must report the progress of this program to the Legislature every two years.
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Senate Bill 5290 (Establishing industrial insurance medical and chiropractic advisory committees.):
Introduced by Sen. Karen Keiser on January 16, 2007, to allow the Department of Labor and Industries the authority to establish an “Industrial Insurance Medical Advisory Committee” (MAC) and an “Industrial Insurance Chiropractic Advisory Committee” (CAC). Among other duties, each committee would advise the department on matters related to providing safe, effective, and cost-effective treatment to injured workers. The MAC would have 12 members and the CAC would have 9 members, all appointed by the Director of Labor and Industries.
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Senate Bill 5294 (Allowing corporate directors to consider the social, legal, economic, and environmental effects of their decisions.):
Introduced by Sen. Harriet Spanel on January 16, 2007, to change provisions regarding the determination of the best interests of a corporation. A director may take into consideration 1) the social, legal, economic, and environmental effects of their decisions, 2) potential impacts on employees, customers, and suppliers of the corporation, 3) community and geographical circumstances, 4) the economy of the state and the nation, and 5) Long-term and short-term interests of the corporation and the shareholders.
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Senate Bill 5295 (Creating an office of corrections ombudsman.):
Introduced by Sen. Jim Kastama on January 16, 2007, to create the “Office of Corrections Ombudsman” within the Governor’s Office. The ombudsman would be responsible for 1) providing information to offenders and their families; 2) promoting public awareness and understanding of the rights and responsibilities of confined offenders; 3) identifying system issues and responses for the Governor and the Legislature to act upon; 4) and ensuring compliance with relevant statutes, rules, and policies pertaining to corrections facilities.
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Senate Bill 5300 (Addressing health and safety standards for employee's airline seats.):
Introduced by Sen. Ken Jacobsen on January 16, 2007, to require an employer to ensure that an employee’s airline seat conform to health and safety standards established by the Department of Labor and Industries. This regulation would only apply to employer-paid air travel.
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Senate Bill 5301 (Requiring voluntary measures be included in critical area development regulations.):
Introduced by Sen. Mary Margaret Haugen on January 16, 2007, to require local governments to use voluntary measures, incentives, education, and non-Growth Management Act regulations to protect critical areas to the greatest extent they can be effective.
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