Citizen offers research to city council - council ignores evidence
and votes in fluoridation
Letter to the Editor
Fellow Citizens of Port Angeles,
We live in a world gone mad; or at least a city. Tuesday February
18th the Port Angeles City Council voted six to one to fluoridate
city drinking water. The only dissenting vote said he only wanted
more time to look over material.
I personally delivered several weeks ago to the City Managers office
for distribution to council members recent information showing minimally
that fluoridation of water does not prevent tooth decay. I hand delivered
a copy to our acting Mayor. Here is one example of the information
The July 2000 peer-reviewed cover story of the Journal of the American
Dental Association (JADA) just reminded every dentist in America
that ingestion of fluoride does not provide any significant reduction
in the incidence of tooth decay - that any beneficial dental effect
is as a result of topical application directly to the tooth;
What could be more clear and timely than that? If anyone doubted
the information presented they could go to the original source journal
first hand and discover that fluoride ingestion does not prevent tooth
decay! At least it should have given pause and stimulated a desire
to dig deeper into the issue to discover the large body of growing
knowledge confirming the same assertion.
Other statements about the dangers of water fluoridation can be found
From that site I copied and provided the council with information
such as what you see below :
Citizens for Safe Drinking Water
1010 University Avenue # 52, San Diego, CA 92103
(800) 728-3833 (619) 281-1578 Fax
Request for Due Diligence -- Fluoridation 2002
For more than fifty years, decision makers charged with the responsibility
of protecting the water supply for entire communities have been
confronted by advocates of fluoridation with assurances that the
public policy of mass medicating citizens with a substance that
can not be removed by simple filtration has been fully reviewed
and all questions of safety and effectiveness resolved. Once again
we hear that poor children are not swallowing enough fluoride that
promoters claim would otherwise eliminate tooth decay, completely
ignoring that fluoride is already present in higher concentrations
than fluoridated water in sodas, fruit juices, cereals, teas, and,
because of fluoride-based pesticide residues, on such produce as
tomatoes, lettuce, potatoes, cabbage, and raisins. In 1991, government
documents reported that non-fluoridated communities already receive
the original goal of 1 milligram of fluoride a day, with fluoridated
communities receiving 3 to 7 milligrams a day __ far exceeding the
margin of safety, and causing permanent scarring of the enamel of
at least one tooth of 66.4% of children in fluoridated communities.
What the fluoride promoters will not reveal to their targeted legislators
and City Council Members, or even their unsuspecting well-intended
The August 17, 2001 MMWR (CDC) report, despite its
touting of fluoridation, included: "The prevalence of dental
caries in a population is not inversely related to the concentration
of fluoride in enamel, and a higher concentration of enamel fluoride
is not necessarily more efficacious in preventing dental caries."
"The laboratory and epidemiologic research … indicates that
fluoride's predominant effect is posteruptive and topical and that
the effect depends on fluoride being in the right amount in the
right place at the right time;"
The American Dental Association and American Academy of Pediatrics
have revised their recommendations for controlled-dose fluoride
which restricts a doctor from prescribing fluoride to a child of
6 months to 3 years of age to the amount found in one cup of fluoridated
(at 1 ppm) water - none to an infant (meaning that as a public policy
fluoridation mass medicates at a higher expected dosage than a doctor
in a non-fluoridated community can prescribe);
More valuable source information I provided that was perhaps ignored
by the city council was from Dr. Russell Blaylock who is a board certified
neurosurgeon and a Clinical Assistant Professor of the Medical University
of Mississippi. He also serves on the editorial board of the "Medical
Sentinel," which is the official journal of the Association of
American Physicians and Surgeons.
In Dr. Blaylock's book "Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can
Save Your Life," chapter four, he elaborates with documentation,
how fluoride use can cause: dental & skeletal fluorosis, genetic
damage, abnormal brain development, hypothyroidism, damage to DNA
repair enzymes, increased risk for osteoporosis and cancer (bone,
oral, bladder & lung) and, reduction of male fertility. For your
convenience and reprinted with permission of Health Press, also with
a clear understanding of limited use (that the chapter should not
be reproduced again), I have included the entire chapter with the
citation-listing appendix.
How can anyone ignore these statements? Was it the grant money and
the glossy presentation that comes with it? Maybe even the psychosocial
effect of not wanting to be the outsider voting against the rest of
the heard. Maybe both or maybe more.
No matter I will be removing the fluoride from our drinking water
and anyone else who would like to do the same can contact
R. Plaske
Port Angeles, Wa.
P.S. Sequim your water supply is next.