Minutes from Local Meetings, 7/28/03

Port of Port Angeles Brief for Monday
July 28, 2003

1) Port of Port Angeles had gotten a SEPA report for Division of Land and Creation of Lease Lots at Terminal 5: The Port has submitted an application for a Binding Site Improvement Plan to the City of Port Angeles. A BSIP allows for the division of land for the purpose of sale or lease when used for commercial or industrial purposes. This will enable two parcels to be created at Terminal 5. Parcel one will contain three lease lots and parcel two is the location of the graving dock, according to the staff memo.
2) A status report on the progress on the John Wayne Marina Master Plan.
3) Setting the work shop for the Port Angeles Boat Haven; for September 22, 2003
4) Entrance Road Status Report; Airport Manager, Jeff Rob reported that the project is on schedule.
5) Internal Computer Systems: The Port will seek input from users of the proposed Solomon System before final action is taken.

Port of Port Angeles Minute review for July 14, 2003
Gleaned from the Port of Port Angeles Website:
President Beckman called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.

Commissioner Beil stated he reviewed the vouchers and moved that the Commission approve vouchers #A13504 through A13750 and vouchers PR4592 through PR4643 for a total of $517,511.56. Commissioner Hannan seconded the motion. Commissioner Beil stated he had some questions on a few items for clarification.
Commissioner Beil asked about the expenses regarding Big Ben Community College for ARFF training. Jeff Robb, Airport Manager explained that ARFF is Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting, and Moses Lake is the training facility that provides a live burn training where firefighters must go on an annual basis and re-qualify. The Port is obligated to pay for their training and transportation. Commissioner Beil asked if the FAA reimburses some of the costs involved and Mr. Robb stated that the cost comes out of the Port's operating budget, however Horizon Air does pay for a portion of the Port's fire fighting services at the Airport.
Commissioner Beil asked about the expenses for Advanced Chemical Technologies for the marine trade batch treatment design. Curtis Shuck, Facilities and Terminals Manager explained that Advanced Chemical Technologies is the Port's consultant for the washdown facility design at the marine terminals who put together a treatment equipment design on how the Port would treat each batch at the proposed washdown facility. Discussion followed.
Commissioner Beil asked about the expense to Sea Technologies on Marine Power Centers for beta testing at John Wayne Marina. Mr. Shuck explained the beta testing is for the initial seven marine power centers for the electrical meters at John Wayne Marina. The first seven are installed to begin the testing and the other power centers have been ordered and will be coming in this week. Discussion followed.
Commissioner Beil asked about the expense for the mop sink floor installation at Downriggers at the Landing, asking to what extent does the Port do that type of maintenance or semi-major repair for a rental facility. Clyde Boddy, Executive Director, explained that normally this type of repair would not be the Port's responsibility. However, in this case this was in part of the original design by the building contractor and developer, which the Port has inherited, and the initial construction caused a good deal of water leakage to the tenants below so the Port had to go in and take care of the issue in the tenant's space.
Commissioner Beckman called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Hannan moved the Commission approve the minutes June 23, 2003 meeting as presented. Commissioner Beil seconded the motion. Commissioner Beckman called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously.

Mark Schiely of Washington Marine Repair spoke and stated he wanted to bring the Commission up-to-date on the vessel activity. He talked about the current and upcoming bids. He stated that the Long Beach will be in Port Angeles in September and that things were going very well at the berth.

Peter Ripley announced that next month would be the six-year anniversary of his publication.

The Master Policy Report is attached for information as directed by the Commission.


No items on the agenda.
A. Commissioner Beil asked for a status report on the Oak Street Property. Dave Hagiwara, Deputy Executive Director stated that the Commissioners have read the community letter from Randal Ehm that was published in the Peninsula Daily News today. Mr. Hagiwara said that he spoke to Mr. Ehm last week and that Mr. Ehm was very optimistic and anticipates, now that the Shoreline Hearings Board Appeal has been completed, to be putting together the last parts of his financing and move forward and hopefully be under construction by October. Commissioner Beil asked at what point could the Port anticipate receiving payment for the property and Mr. Hagiwara stated that an escrow account has been opened but not funded yet and all documents are ready at the title company. He stated that according to Mr. Ehm, the property is anticipated to close by the end of July or the first part of August.

B. Commissioner Beil asked about the negotiations between the Port and DOT for the 22 plus acres. Mr. Boddy stated that the Port is continuing to have discussions with DOT and continue to be optimistic to get something resolved by the end of August. The Port is working with the Port's attorney and an appraisal consultant to provide additional information to DOT hopefully by the end of next week, and the negotiations continue to move forward.

No items on the agenda.
A. Commissioner Beil asked about the status of the consultant studies for both the Port Angeles Boat Haven and the John Wayne Marina. Jeff Robb, Marinas Manager, stated the Port received a contract last week from Reid Middleton for the PABH Master Plan that the Commission authorized the executive director to sign. The contract was signed and mailed to Reid Middleton late last week. For John Wayne Marina, the Port received a Scope of Services last week and is currently reviewing that at the staff level. He anticipates taking that to the JWM Advisory Committee next week for their review. Discussion followed.

B. Commissioner Beil asked for a status on the repair of the Boat Haven bulkhead. Curtis Shuck stated that the Port is just putting the final design documents together for a small works roster project and anticipate that to be advertised during the month of August and construction to begin in the October/November timeframe, which Mr. Shuck mentioned is timed with favorable tides. Mr. Shuck stated that all permits are in place and the Port is ready to proceed.

C. Commissioner Beil asked for a status on the electrical meters at John Wayne Marina. Mr. Shuck explained that seven marine power centers have been installed with fourteen meters (each power center has two meters and two electrical services) at various locations at John Wayne Marina for beta testing. Part of the beta testing includes wireless technology in the power center boxes that will be transmitting the meter data directly to a computer in the harbormaster's office. The testing is to see how this wireless technology will work to read the meters and this wireless technology is in lieu of having Port staff read each meter manually. The testing should be complete sometime in August. The remaining meters (157 meters) have been ordered and he anticipates 50 to be delivered this week. The factory will be shipping the rest as soon as they can be produced (coming from Virginia). Discussion followed on the wireless data being transmitted to the harbormaster's office and tying that in with the Port accounting systems. There was also discussion on the beta testing for the wireless technology being a first for this type of unit involving electrical meters in marinas.

D. Commissioner Hannan mentioned that the Port staff sent out a news release to the newspapers and has received some nice coverage about the John Wayne Marina having been named the best small marina in the west. He stated that is the kind of positive thing the Port should be doing.

E. Commissioner Hannan also mentioned that he has had discussions with the City of Sequim stating that they are involved with the America in Bloom Project, which is a competition of different similar sized cities involved in making improvements in landscaping with the use of flowers. He said he made no commitments, but he did agree that the Port would discuss with them the possibility of doing some flower baskets at the John Wayne Marina as a further enhancement to their program. Once the costs involved are put together he will bring it to the Commission for approval. He stated that he thinks this is the kind of positive thing the Port needs to do and that is what makes the John Wayne Marina, as well as good customer service, the current quality facility it is.
Commissioner Beil concurred with Commissioner Hannan and stated he supported doing enhancement and beautification with flowers at John Wayne Marina. Commissioner Hannan stated that the cost would be minimal and the City of Sequim would do the maintenance.
No items on the agenda.
A. Commissioner Beil asked for a status report on the new entrance road at the airport. Mr. Robb stated that Bruch & Bruch began construction one week ago and the project is moving along very well. By the end of this week the majority of the earthwork will be moved and the detail work of the curb, gutter, landscaping, sidewalks, and ultimately paving the roadway will begin. The project is on track to be completed on September 1, in time for a dedication and Airport Days.

B. Commissioner Beil asked for a status report on the option of private hangars. Mr. Robb stated that the Commission is aware that Roger Hines has submitted a letter to the Port declining to move forward for the option of building on the second pad site. Since that letter, the Port has been working at a staff level looking at other options. Mr. Robb asked Pat Deja, Industrial Development and Property Manager, to present those options to the Commission. Commissioner Hannan asked what the status was of Mr. Hines' hangars and if these hangars have created unfilled vacancies for the Port's hangars. Mr. Robb stated as of two weeks ago Mr. Hines' hangars were full and it has not affected the Port's hangars and said there is a waiting list.
Mr. Deja presented some options discussed by Port staff as follows: 1) Send out an RFP for hangar development. 2) Allow condo style hangars to be built. Mr. Deja talked about when the last hangar development went out for bid the Port excluded condominium style hangars. Discussion followed on condominium style hangars. 3) Have the Port develop hangars. He talked about removing the old hangars as new ones are added. 4) The Port does nothing, and waits to see if additional demand exists in the next year. Discussion followed on hangar rates and hangar development.

A. Tribal Leasehold Tax Exemption
Bill James, Director of Finance and Administration presented this to the Commission stating that at the recent WPPA Finance and Administration seminar that was held in Walla Walla last month a Department of Revenue (DOR) representative presented a discussion of Leasehold Excise Tax issues. The question of potential exemption at marinas for tribal members engaged in treaty fisheries was briefly discussed and the DOR representative did not give any specific answers during the presentation. However, following the presentation Commissioner Beil, who also attended the seminar in Walla Walla, talked informally with the DOR representative who agreed to pursue the topic more. Since then Port staff has talked to DOR several times and have developed a procedure with them based on a section of the WAC, 458-29A, 400 (7). Mr. James quoted the WAC "… if an enrolled member of a tribe leases port land at which the member keeps his or her boat, and the boat is used in a treaty fishery, the leasehold interest is exempt from the leasehold tax." The Port has established with the DOR that this does apply to both of the Port's marinas. Mr. James said that staff sent a letter to the DOR indicating the process that the Port would like to go through, which is to send a letter to the tribes asking which Port tenants are engaged in treaty fisheries. The Port would get back a listing and from there would notify the tribe members that they are exempt from the 12.4% leasehold tax. Mr. James explained that this tax is collected by the Port and is passed on to the state and the individual tribal members will realize the savings. He said there would be some staff time involved for this process, and the process has been agreed to by the DOR. He said that Commissioner Beil was instrumental in getting this moving and as of today the Port is ready to begin the process. This report is for Commission information and per Mr. Boddy's suggestion, Port staff, and Commissioner Beil will meet with the individual tribes to inform them of what the Port is doing. Discussion followed.
Commissioner Hannan stated that it is good for staff to move quickly, but wanted to know if there was something in writing from DOR showing compliance with this. Mr. James stated that Lennard Ball from the DOR would be sending him an e-mail today. Commissioner Beckman complimented Commissioner Beil in pursuing this. Commissioner Beil stated that this is part of the state law and the Port and the tribes were unaware of it. When it was mentioned at the seminar it was his feeling and Mr. James' feeling that the Port should at least follow through and inform the tribal members that they qualify. Up to now they didn't know they had that option under the law. Discussion followed.

A. Information Services RFP Status Report
Bill James presented this to the Commission and talked about a meeting Port staff had with a private company about providing additional technical information to send out the RFP a second time. Mr. James stated that the Port was also contacted by PUD on a broader scale and that staff has had discussions with them. He said PUD is wiling to do the technical specifications for the RFP and in addition, PUD brought forth a larger proposal for the Port. He explained that PUD has proposed that they would provide technical support to the Port that would include hardware, software, and PUD personnel. PUD has a four-person staff that services 200 people, and to add an additional 20 more people should not create a problem. Mr. James stated that staff thinks this can be accomplished by an Interlocal agreement to share hardware, software, and personnel. The Port would have to be connected to the PUD office and Mr. James was not sure how that would be done. He indicated this was an interesting and attractive proposal that would reduce the Port's cost significantly and would also be a long-term solution. He stated that this is a different path for the Port, but one that staff thinks is exciting.
Commissioner Hannan said it sounded interesting but would have to see the costs. He asked if the PUD and the Port could move fast enough to get this done this year. Mr. James replied that at a staff level the Port was ready, but would need Commission approval. He said he could have something ready by the next meeting for the Commission to look at. Discussion followed.
There was also some discussion on the Solomon system the Port currently has and how that would fit in with PUD. Mr. James mentioned that the company that has serviced the Solomon system for the Port for the past seven years has recently been sold. Mr. James stated he will be meeting with representatives from Shannon and Associates, a different Solomon provider on July 22, and noted that their rates are lower than what the Port has been paying, so the Port could see some cost savings. Discussion followed on Solomon.
Mr. James asked the Commissioners if staff could inform the PUD that the Commissioners would be interested. The Commissioners individually expressed their interest in pursuing this. Commissioner Beckman suggested a joint work session with PUD Commissioners to expedite this if necessary.

B. Commissioner Beil asked about the status of the barge study questionnaire. Mr. Hagiwara stated that since the last Commission meeting Paul Sorenson of BST & Associates has been on vacation so there has been no activity. However, Mr. Hagiwara said he spoke with him this morning and he will have the survey questionnaire completed this week. Mr. Hagiwara said he met with the forest cluster last week and they continue to have an interest in participating. He said there is another forest cluster meeting tomorrow and he spoke with Mark Hanna about continuing this discussion and Mr. Hanna has assured him there is a real interest in pursuing this. Mr. Hagiwara said that as soon as he receives the questionnaire he would forward that to the Commission for their review.
Commissioner Beil stated he talked with George Schoenfeldt about the barge study and Mr. Beil feels that the previous studies on barges and piers may have overlooked one of the groups that really know about barges, such as the stevedoring companies. He suggested that the stevedoring companies should be contacted as they do work on piers and have a background with barges, etc. He requested that staff talk to Mr. Schoenfeldt and others in the stevedoring industry to see what they might be willing to provide in gratis data and to what extent the Port would pay for additional studies. He stated he would like to incorporate some input from them as part of looking at the total barge facility. He talked more of what he would like the Port staff to take a look at in relation to a total barge facility stating that he feels staff can do a lot of that type of work without hiring a consultant. Mr. Boddy stated that from a staff standpoint that can and will be done.
George Schoenfeldt spoke and stated that Commissioner Beil did talk to him. He said he talked to a company that is into barges and hauling solid waste and plans to bring back some information by the next meeting.

There were no public comments.

A. Bill James said that as Chair of the Finance Committee he was asked to bring an item to the WPPA Legislative session, which meets at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, July 16 in Olympia. The item concerns travel reimbursement, specifically lodging and meals. Currently ports have the ability to choose two ways of reimbursing employees and commissioners. One is to pay actual expenses, and the other is to pay a per diem for lodging and meals. He explained that currently the per diem is $25/day, and the Port of Bellingham has asked for consideration of an amendment to increase that per diem to the federal per diem for lodging and meals. Mr. James said he has asked Commissioner Hannan to attend the WPPA meeting to represent the Port and take this proposal to the WPPA. Commissioner Hannan also requested Mr. James to bring this to the Commission today for discussion on establishing a per diem as opposed to actual expenses. Discussion followed on per diem rates.
Commissioner Beil stated he supported this as long as the Commission would have an opportunity later on to make a decision one way or the other. Commissioner Hannan agreed and stated that the question presented here is not whether per diem or actual expense is the way to go, but rather is the amount of $25/day for per diem realistic. He said the answer to that is "no" and the Commissioners agree to support the legislation amendment as long as it does not become mandatory.

B. Clyde Boddy talked about a question that came up recently about a legal notice from the City of Port Angeles regarding vacating an alley that was adjacent to Port property. Mr. Boddy asked staff to look into this and asked Susan Bauer, Planning Manager, to report her findings. Ms. Bauer said last week a legal notice was in the Peninsula Daily News that Commissioner Beil brought to the Port's attention regarding this alley vacation. Staff did some research on this and Ms. Bauer stated that the legal notice referenced two thirds (2/3) of an alley. She explained that this really meant the alley between 2nd and 3rd streets, behind Blake Sand and Gravel that runs parallel to Marine Drive. The Port owns property on 3rd street and was concerned about what the impact might be. Ms. Bauer stated that it appears this will have a very positive impact for the Port because in vacation of this alley the City would do improvements on 3rd street. She went on to explain that this improvement will allow Blake Sand and Gravel to have an access on 3rd Street, and the City would then close the alley that comes out on Marine Drive. Ms. Bauer reiterated that this would be very positive for the Port property.

C. Clyde Boddy presented a request from Frank Wilkerson for launch ramp fee waivers for the boaters that participate in the Special Peoples Fishing Derby on July 26, 2003 at the Boat Haven boat ramp. Mr. Wilkerson has requested 25 launch ramp tickets for the volunteers. Mr. Boddy stated the Port has participated in this for a number of years and staff recommends approval. Commissioner Hannan moved to extend the participation and offer what the Port has in the past. Commissioner Beil seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

D. Clyde Boddy presented two more requests for fee waivers for John Wayne Marina public meeting rooms that he received this morning, stating that he is aware of only what is on the request form.
One request is from the Sequim Bay Yacht Club to waive fees for the use of the banquet room on September 27 for a potluck dinner to be held after the" Reach for Hospice Race." Mr. Boddy mentioned that the Sequim Bay Yacht Club as part of the lease agreement is provided six uses a year for the banquet room at no charge but apparently is choosing not to use it for this. Discussion followed.
The other request is from Alcoholics Anonymous to use room 17 at John Wayne Marina every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. for breakfast and they would be using the downstairs restaurant. Commissioner Hannan asked if the Port has set a precedent by charging the Rotary Club and the Chamber $1.00 per person. Mr. Boddy concurred with this. Discussion followed.
Commissioner Beil moved that Alcoholics Anonymous be authorized under the current policy approved for the Sequim Rotary and the Sequim Chamber for $1.00 per person as long as they use the Marina Restaurant and they have re-occurring meetings. Commissioner Hannan seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Discussion continued on the fee waiver request from the Sequim Bay Yacht Club. Mr. Boddy wanted to point out that on the application it notes that in 2002 the dinner was held in their own clubroom, which they already lease, but have outgrown that and need a larger room for this year. He also noted that it is a potluck dinner so they will not be using the restaurant. Discussion followed. Commissioner Hannan asked if all proceeds go to Hospice. Mr. Boddy read from the application that all entry fees and pledges go towards Hospice of Clallam County. Commissioner Hannan moved that the Commission allow the Sequim Bay Yacht Club the use of the banquet room. Commissioner Beil seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Boddy stated the Port would ask the Sequim Bay Yacht Club to identify the Port as supporting Hospice.

Clallam County Commission meeting brief for Tuesday,
July 29, 2003

The following is a summary of what went on during the Clallam County Commission meeting:
• Vouchers dated July 11 and 16, 2003
• Minutes for the week of July 14 through July 18, 2003
• Categorical/Discretionary Assistance Progress Report for January through June 2003 for the Drug Free
Communities Support grant
• Interlocal agreement with Olympic Medical Center who will provide lactation education and support
services to the Maternity Support Services (MSS) program in exchange for billing Medicaid
• Interlocal agreement with Klallam Counseling Center that increases funding by $46,380 for chemical
dependency treatment services
• Modification 1 to the participating agreement with the USDA Forest Service and the Weed Board that
increases the work crew from one to two and adds $26,000
• Resolution adopting Policy and Procedure 415, Public Input Process Guidelines for Six-Year Transportation
Plan Projects
• Resolution adopting Policy and Procedure 505, Budget Changes and Modifications
• Stipulation and order of dismissal regarding Viacom Outdoor, Inc. suit
• Call for public hearing to be held August 12, 2003 at 10 a.m. regarding amending the 2003-2008 Six-Year
Transportation Improvement Program to add a segment of the Olympic Discovery Trail from Sequim to

During the open public Comment Session of the meeting Wil Gormley came and expressed his concerns over the issue regarding Public Official Bonding; the County Commissioners said they would have their legal counsel look into the matter.


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