Operation TIPS is Only the
Tip of the Iceberg
By Niki Raapana
August 16, 2002
Editors across the country are having a great
time thrashing Homeland
Security's "Operation Tips." The
entire U.S. media is dedicating a lot of
time and space to the Justice Department's
mistake in attempting to create a
"new cadre of citizen spies."
With congressional glitches to implementing
TIPS, and refusals to spy by
organizations like the Postal Service, some
writers are suggesting the free
American people won this latest round of
federal attacks on their privacy
I wish it were true. But just because
our Congress won't approve the TIPS
program doesn't mean anything. This media
blitz is but a red herring that
gives folks a false impression that Congress
is back on their side, and that
complaining "loudly" can stop a bad
policy from being implemented.
What if Operation TIPS is only one of the many
ways the new government is
using to gather and share American's private
information? What if the
Department of Justice has been gathering
personal data on private citizens
and putting it into a national database for
over a decade?
Working in collaboration with the Department
of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) and federal
"advisors," local police train
citizen spies
called community volunteers. These concerned
citizens provide the
Neighborhood Watch "contacts" with
"anecdotal information" on people
places identified to be associated with
neighborhood "problems." HUD's
& Seed program has data that reaches back
to the early '80s.
The "contacts" our neighbors now
report to are the new federal COPS
(Community Oriented Policing Services).
Clinton created COPS in 1994 after
Congress passed the Violent Crime Act.
COPS' programs went out in federal
grant packages designed to further the
Building Livable Communities
Initiative and "create safe
Formed under the National Partnership for
Reinventing Government, the idea
of "rebuilding" America followed
federal mandates established under the 1993
President's Council on Sustainable Development
HUD designed Community 2020 mapping software
was free to all local municipal
governments participating in the programs.
By 1999, crime "prevention"
mapping evolved easily into asset and skills
mapping, as more new federal
policies were created that gave the government
"permission" to gather and
share previously restricted private data.
In 2000, the DOJ created COMPASS
(Community Mapping, Planning and Analysis for
Safety Strategies), designed
to incorporate all the data into one main
Community asset and skills mapping is the idea
that people's hidden skills
and abilities can be utilized by the
collective government to help
American communities. Neighborhood watch
groups are trained to go
door-to-door asking citizens to answer lengthy
"surveys" about their
low-level work abilities. People are
questioned about whether they can take
care of elderly and children, if they can
cook, clean, or sew, and if they
have more skilled abilities to drive, type
and/or use a hammer.
Asset Based Community Development (ABCD)
interviews include questions about
religious, fraternal, and political
associations, and each survey includes
personally identifiable information like the
respondent's name, age, and
address. It's called "Mapping and
Mobilizing Community Capacity."
The CMRC (Crime Mapping Research Center) was
recently changed to MAPS
(Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety), but
their literature on the many
programs DOJ uses to enhance the
"analytic capabilities of local
problem-solving efforts" continues to be
easily accessible.
Crime mapping includes not only police
incident reports but also socio-
economic data. COMPASS has been
gathering personally identifiable data from
every available, complicit government agency
since the pilot tests began in
2000. DOJ mappers recommend COMPASS
participants utilize Experian's vast
household economic database on 40 million
President Bush told Americans in his March
2002 State of the Union Address
that the second most important component of
Homeland Security was
"rebuilding communities." The
U.S. Army Senior Intelligence Officer for the
Northern Command is on the crime-mapping
e-list soliciting cities with an
"active and robust GIS," explaining
his "new" assignment includes
local criminal activities. Under these
many "other" new federal programs,
identified "problems" are considered
"potential" criminals or hot spots.
The federal definition of crime has expanded
to include vague, undefined
Crime prevention is about "finding out
everything you can about the local
players involved;" it's about gathering
and sharing private data on certain
types of "problem" people identified
by the Neighborhood Watch groups.
Neighborhood Watch advises its members to
report "all suspicious activity,
noise, and strangers."
One COPS' program started in 1997 was designed
to train all city employees
with access to private homes to "report
any life-threatening" things
witnessed inside homes during "regular
inspections." Cities across America
are creating new avenues for warrant less
searches under new land-use
legislation (as directed by the PCSD). These
new laws completely eliminate
the need for a duly authorized legal search
warrant if the search is
performed as a "public safety
TIPS is alive and well, operating under many
names and disguises.