While They Are Sleeping

While the community sleeps, the Wildlands Project vigilantes make a major sweep into our valley.

The thrust is to occupy most of our county, by taking private property from new and long time landowners.


With grant monies available, supplied by the tax dollars of the same landowners, the vigilantes move with expertise, even offering some of their own properties to camouflage the element of shock, by those who might oppose the pilfering.


As people begin to object they are met with accusations of hysteria and conspiracy theories, which are designed to disarm anyone who tends to reason about the unjust actions of those who control media, politicians, and everyday working folks, as well as retirees.


It is a field day for the Wildlands Project supporters, whose agendas would make our deceased grandparents cringe with disbelief as they watch the rape of our beloved valleys and rivers.


It is high time for those who can make a difference, to awake out of sleep and attempt to maintain control of what belongs to us and refuse the bullying tactics of the vigilantes as they offer morsels of appeasement such as land takings, conservation easements, or higher taxes.
By   I.M. Peaved

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