Clallam approves updated fee schedule
April 5th, 2005 (Port Angeles) -- Clallam County Commissioners have adopted an ordinance repealing and replacing the County's consolidated fee schedule. The action came after a public hearing this morning at the Courthouse. Clallam County League of Women Voters president Sue Erzen says her organization approves of the fee increase that will allow the DCD to hire 2 permit technicians and a code compliance officer to cut down on the time needed to process building permits. Erzen says, as DCD information illustrates, Clallam County taxpayers have been subsidizing the developer building industry for several years, covering hundreds of thousands of dollars per year in county services. Former appointed Department of Community Development Director Bob Martin testified at the hearing and told commissioners they are heading in the right direction, but they're not there yet. Martin says the structure of the building permit fees seem to lock the County into a "cascade" of fee increases every few years. County Commissioner Mike Chapman told Newsradio 1450 KONP that the Board will discuss the specifics of hiring the new personnel at their Monday worksession -- adding it will probably be June before they are brought onboard. In other actions today, Commissioners gave notice of a public hearing for April 19th on a proposal for amending fees for county parks and the fairgrounds. The Board also called for bids by April 26th on the reconstruction of Deer Park Road from Viewridge Drive to the BPA powerlines. Commissioners awarded a contract to the Peninsula Daily News for printing the county's legal notices. The Board opened bids for a year's supply of rock, referring the 4 proposals received to the Public Works Department for review and recommendation.