EFF launches Waste Watchers website - Site chronicles waste, offers “hot diet tips” for government

Evergreen Freedom Foundation


OLYMPIA, WA -The Evergreen Freedom Foundation launched a new Waste Watchers website today (www.wastewatchers.net) dedicated to exposing and resolving waste in government.

The new site chronicles a long list of waste and mismanagement in state government and offers “hot diet tips” and action items for concerned citizens.

Hot diet tips for government include:

  • Take fugitives off welfare
  • Stop sending worker’s comp to illegal aliens
  • Don’t build a $10 million squirrel bridge
  • Let LeMay pay for his own car museum

The Olympia-based watchdog organization says the goal of the site is to remind state officials why they’ve lost the trust of voters and help them regain it through true accountability.

“Every verifiable example of waste we receive will be left on the website until it is resolved,” said Bob Williams, EFF’s president. “And believe me, we would like nothing more than to take them off and see the website empty.”

Each story on the site will be updated as the organization gets information about its status. Citizens are encouraged to “get active” on unresolved items by calling their representatives or the officials directly involved. Information about who to contact will be posted.

The site (www.wastewatchers.net) will be updated regularly.


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