Tax day awakens citizens to speak for freedom
by Lois Krafsky-Perry
Citizen Review Online
Friday, April 15, 2011
Sequim, WA -Rallying for freedom and lower taxes, was the cause for approximately 150 citizens to gather at the city center square in downtown Sequim on Friday, April 15. The event was sponsored by FourC (Concerned Citizens of Clallam County). The local group is independent and not a member of the national Tea Party, according to founder Pat Tenhulzen.
FourC's well-attended meetings are held the fourth Monday of the month, at the Boys and Girls Club, in Sequim, at 7 PM. They host a large variety of speakers and center on topics of concern to citizens.
The rally was attended by people from all walks of life - some who came from their regular job to spend their lunch hour and rally with others, side-by-side with retirees, business people, retired military and law enforecement. Many young people gathered to hold signs and/or visit with their neighbors.
Many well wishers drove by honking their horns and offering a thumbs-up in support of the gatherers.
A black labrador in training as a seeing eye dog, was politely waiting to respond to whatever was requred next. A large variety of signs pretty well said it all:
"Cut taxes, not deals." and "Free market, not free loads" was hailed by Doug McClary of Sequim.
Larry Eggebroten's sign suggested, "Be green, recycle Congress."
Another sign read, "Close Coop loopholes, lower our taxes."
"I am sick of high taxes." said a native Sequimite, Myrna Mantle.
Bob McGonigel said, "I want our government to stop spending stupidly and not just placate to political action groups."
Pat and Jack Tenhulzen, FourC leaders, manned a table where FourC t-shirts were being sold. They were also offering a booklet by Henry Lamb - "A Short Course in Global Governance" which was published in 2010, by Sovereignty International, Inc. The booklet shows the history of Global Governance and the players and also warns society about the dangers of the movement.
Lamb states (page 36): "Americans need to regain the vision our founders saw, of tha nation where an individual can rise to acheive whatever his mind can conceive. Americans need to see America as it was intended to be, a champion of freedom, a beacon of hope for the world, and an example of moral responsiblity. America must ever be guided by its laws, and never never, descend into the abyss of personality worship."