Freedom Advocates.org

July 29, 2010

"When this mandate was set out in 1992, there was little information available on how to proceed. It therefore gives me particular satisfaction to report that, since 1992, more than 1,300 local authorities from 31 countries have responded to the Agenda 21 mandate by developing their own Local Agenda 21 action plans for sustainable development.

The task of mobilizing and technically supporting Local Agenda 21 planning in these communities has been led by the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) and national associations of local government. Now, with the further support of the International Development Research Centre and the United Nations Environment Programme, ICLEI is able to present the first worldwide documentation of Local Agenda 21 planning approaches, methods, and tools in this Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide."

--Writing from Maurice Strong, Foreword to Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide <read
Maurice Strong, a Canadian oil billionaire, was the United Nation's Secretary General at the U.N.'s 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. This is when Agenda 21 was unleashed on the world. Since then, he was implicated in the oil for food scandal and now lives as a fugitive in China where he directs that country's implementation of Agenda 21.

As more Americans begin to assess why the country is collapsing, an increasing number recognize the role of ICLEI now known as, Local Governments for Sustainability.

ICLEI creates policies and programs that breed corruption, add fees, rules, regulations and controls to people's lives in locales throughout the world.

Positive advances have been made in cities and counties where people are organizing like Spokane, Washington or in Fort Collins, Colorado. People across the country are kicking ICLEI out of their communities.

You can do something to expose anti-American controlled "sustainable communities." Information is key.

* Review ICLEI Primer: Your Town and Freedom Threatened which has new, updated and restored links.

* Listen to Stacy Lynne of Fort Collins, CO explain how ICLEI disguises itself in good sounding programs.

o Colorado: Kick ICLEI Out! Hour 1 and Hour 2
o You can view Ms. Lynne's slide presentation here and website here

* ICLEI representatives often say they are not associated with the United Nations, yet ICLEI concocts the programs to carry out objectives outlined in United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda 21. See ICLEI and U.N. Connection article.

* See Calaveras County Taxpayers Association Land Use Advocacy Comparison Chart
o Is more government control needed?
o Are property rights real?
o What is best for the future and our children?