Prepare to show your ID

from Scan This News

9/19/01 -"Prepare to show your ID." That is what New Yorkers were told as they
emerged from subways returning to work on Monday after the 9-11 WTC attack.
Of course, it's not clear what good was made of the display of thousands of
individual IDs, other than to make the city (and the nation) "feel like"
something was being done to protect them.

That scene, as reported by the major news outlets, foreshadows the most
obvious consequence of the September 2001 destruction of one of the icons of
US dominance in the New World Order, the World Trade Center. The
simple-minded migrate to simple solutions -- like moths around a candle --
even if the "solutions" have not hope of working.

Unable to do anything to "punish" the actual terrorist perpetrators (the
ones who are already dead), US officials now must look for ways to give the
perception that government is "protecting Americans" from future attacks.
Predictably, the "solutions" being put for by promoters of the New World
Order come in the form of "sacrifices by the American people" (i.e., less
liberty in exchange for perceived security), and most notably,
more-stringent, mandatory identification requirements.

A recent AOL Poll had the following results:

"Do you support tighter terrorism laws in the U.S. even if it limits your

   Not sure----45118------15%

Total votes:  289328

"Which of these security measures would you most support?

   National ID cards-----------156274-----56%
   Video camera checkpoints-----74493-----26%
   E-mail/phone monitors--------27520------9%
   Car searches-----------------18832------6%

Total votes:  277119

Why isn't one of AOL's "security measures" options a requirement that all
Americans who fly must carry a firearm? There is little doubt that, had the
passengers been armed on that fateful day, all of the planned attacks might
have been thwarted and any such future schemes would likewise be defeated.

In August of 1996, the ACLU reported that, "almost two-thirds of the public
thinks that government will erode civil liberties in responding to such
crimes, and almost as many believe that the anti-civil liberties response
will not make us any safer."
[Most Americans Concerned About Losing Rights In Fight Against Terrorism]

At the urging of US Attorney General John Ashcroft, Congress will soon form
a special "Anti-terrorism Task Force" armed with far-reaching snooping and
surveillance authority. There is also talk of a government policing agency
taking over security at the nation's airports.

In light of the new proposed anti-terrorism proposals, one is reminded that
as recently as two years ago the FBI issued the "Project Meggido Report"
which identified Bible-believing Americans who hold strong religious
convictions among the primary objective in any anti-terrorism measures.


[Congresswoman] Bono urges constituents to be ready for sacrifices

   In a wide-ranging interview, Bono gave dire warnings
   of an immediate future she predicted could include
   intense scrutiny of airline passengers, a national
   system of fingerprinting and identification cards
   and the specter of chemical and biological attacks
   on the United States.

ID cards weighed by Congress

   Sept. 18 -  In response to the Sept. 11 terrorist
   attacks, Congress is considering requiring all
   citizens and non-citizens to carry identity cards.
   Those might be "smart cards" storing data such
   as fingerprints and travel records.


FBI Project Megiddo
"The general trend in domestic extremism is the terrorist's disavowal of
traditional, hierarchical, and structured terrorist organizations."


The New American
Criminalizing Dissent

from Scan This News, 9/19/01

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