Citizen Review 'tells it like it is'

Editorial by Lois Krafsky-Perry, Editor


Our non-profit publication is offered as a publication that makes the truth available to our readers. It is not an attempt to create news but to report the news.

In recent local daily and weekly publications, Sue Forde (R) who is running for Clallam County Commissioner has been criticized for articles in this publication. We have tried to be fair and not use the Citizen Review for a forum for Sue. However, others have not been fair and are viciously attacking her character. They are also misrepresenting this on-line publication by taking articles out of context.

The local weekly paper has been consistent in attacks by political cartoons, non-endorsement endorsements, and a barrage of letters, as well as edited answers by Sue to questions they have asked her about her qualifications. No wonder that publication is biased, in that their publisher was her opponent Steve Tharinger's campaign manager in his last run for office.

See front-page photo of the Gazette (11-10-99). Listen to the ad revealing this fact this week on your local radio station.

Several people, including myself, have been called and intimidated by an employee of the daily newspaper after writing a letter to the editor. While that paper chooses not to print the mega letters that have flooded their desks in favor of Sue, many letters, with false information and planned deceptions against her have been printed in favor of her opponent. We urge our readers to check out the articles and see for themselves that what we write and publish is well documented.

We appreciate you our readers and hope you vote wisely in the up-coming election..

Lois Krafsky-Perry


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