Is it Wise Use, Sustainable Development or Multiple Use?

(Note: This author has done an admirable job of 'connecting the dots' that would steal our freedom.)

November 11, 2003

By Miscelle Allison

Blue Ribbon Coalition

In the paper entitled the "Wise Use Movement" written by Mr. Richard Lindeborg and Ms. Beverly Carroll, analysts from the USDA Forest Service, November 29, 1990, both claim that the Wise Use Movement was pioneered by environmental groups. The BlueRibbon Coalition advocated for multiple-use designations; it also claimed to advocate for property rights. Lindeborg and Carroll stated that the BlueRibbon Coalition -- under the direction of then President Mr. Henry Yake -- was steering much of the movement.

The Wise Use Movement is written about in a paper entitled a "Strategic Analysis & Fifty State Review, A Publication by CLEAR" (Environmental Working Group Clearinghouse on Environmental Advocacy and Research.)

This paper states there is no exact definition for "Wise Use" any more than there is for environmentalism or the environment. Mr. Ron Arnold is quoted in saying; "You fail to use the title at your own peril, because without a unifying name, the media are free to report Wise Use activities as isolated events instead of episodes in a growing movement". The paper states "Wise Use to be a local movement driven primarily by local concerns, not national issues. Mr. Ron Arnold is quoted again saying"we in the Wise Use Movement have a few core beliefsthat we all believe. Man and nature can live together in productive harmony. Human values, culture and tradition are more important than other living creatures".

According to The Wildlands Project, Yukon to Mexico, and other such radical environmental extremism, fish, rocks, landscape -- anything and everything but humans -- takes precedence over human habitat and culture, including way of life and earning a decent living. Mr. William Norman Grigg wrote an article in the January 2001, issue of The New American Magazine, about the Re-Wilding of the West; "The Yellowstone to Yukon project is seeking to create a transformational "bioregion 2,000 miles long and 300 miles wide. Yet this is only a start for the UN's Wildlands Project." He adds"BLM's leadership echelon captured that vision when it issued a policy statement declaring that "all ecosystem management activities should consider human beings as a biological resource."

The intent of the Wildlands Project, Sky Island, Yukon to Mexico (was referred to as Yukon to Yellowstone, but unfortunately environmentalists have since extended the area to Mexico), Greenway Projects also create a vast area that is commonly referred to as a Matrix of corridors, conservation easements, core areas and buffer zones, for carnivores, riparian areas and other animals. Wildland Project creators Dave Foreman, Michael Soule and Reed Noss have said, "They would enjoy viewing their vision of seeing the day when Grizzlies in Chihuahua have an unbroken connection to Grizzlies in Alaska; when the Gray Wolf populations are continuous from New Mexico to Greenland.Our vision is continental; from Panama and the Caribbean to Alaska and Greenland, from Arctic to the continental shelves"

Many Greenway Projects endorse the very same "partnership" schemes the BLM, Forest Service and other such governmental agencies, governmental bodies, environmental non-profits, non-governmental organizations, endorse. The finished product is similar to the creation of World Heritage Sites, National Parks, National Monuments, that include vast tracts of land are locked up for the benefit of "open space". Some of the once proud private property owners are made into willing sellers and every tool government agencies and environmentalists have, are used to obtain their property. Should the property owner still not budge, eminent domain is used. (Review the tactics and plans expressed in the Chattahoochee Greenway Project)

What does this have to do with the BlueRibbon Coalition? From the paper, "2002 Annual Report, Its About Partnerships! Portneuf Greenway Foundation, Inc.," The BlueRibbon Coalition is listed as a corporate member.

From the Internet, at the Wilderness Unlimited Home Page, the BlueRibbon Coalition is listed as multiple-use and off the Michigan State University Extension Home Page, the BlueRibbon Coalition is listed under Greenway and Watershed Groups. Also listed on this page is the Pew Center on Global Climate Change, Sierra Club, Ducks Unlimited, Trout Unlimited, National Trails and Greenways Clearinghouse, Tread Lightly, International Dark Skies, World Bank and World Bank Poverty Net.

If anyone will take the time to trace most of these, they will find they can be traced back to international programs with one thing in mind: endorsing U.N. schemes and agendas such as Agenda 21 and other manipulating and controlling programs.

In the paper entitled "The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, Guidelines for the Implementation of the Wise Use Concept". The editor claims, "The "wise us" principle inscribed in Article 3.1 of the Convention in 1971, and its definition and application by the Conference of the Contracting Parties, have been established and have evolved completely and independently from the so-called "wise use movement that has emerged in recent years in North America. The use of the same term does not necessarily indicate that there is a commonality of understanding and/or purpose."

The "wise use" phrase in this paper refers to endorsing sustainable development schemes while implementing the Ramsar Agreement.

Are the "wise use" terms the same? When property is withdrawn from multiple uses for an isolated use -- only to benefit a particular group of people like hikers, and done so under the appearance of benefits and needs of future generations -- I would say they are both endorsing sustainable development program schemes.

BlueRibbon Coalition Advisory Board consists of Japanese Corporations head CEOs. Will they have multiple use, private enterprise and private property for Americans in mind? It doesn't appear to be so with their endorsing such schemes as the Greenway Programs.

BlueRibbon Coalition has done some good things in their advocating for multiple use, such as attending the "Wild Sky Wilderness Festival wearing T-shirts displaying protest signs with such slogans as: "Not Wild Sky, Wild Sky Costs Too Much, Wilderness = Land of No Use." They have taken court actions for the benefit of multiple use and have in many cases been the underdog." What I would strongly recommend to BlueRibbon Coalition is to please stop endorsing Greenways and other such property lockup schemes that would end the enjoyment of private property and private enterprises.

BlueRibbon Coalition, please investigate deeper into these schemes of Greenway Projects and Wilderness before endorsing them on your web pages, while cheering for multiple use and advocating for the very programs that are destroying multiple use, private enterprises and private property.



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