CSE activists fights against government land grabs - buffers prohibit owners from developing their own land as they see fit 

On March 16, North Carolina CSE held its Private Property Rights Summit to educate citizens on the costly affects of the state's river buffer regulations on citizens' property rights.  

These buffer regulations prohibit owners from developing their land as they see fit, if that land falls within a 50-foot area surrounding any lake, river, stream, or creek.  

Activists see the buffer regulations as a regulatory land grab by the government without just compensation - a clear violation of the Constitution.  

Over 150 activists attended the event, which featured presentations by several prominent policymakers including Congressmen Cass Ballenger and Charles Taylor; State Representatives Mitch Gillespie, Mark Crawford, Mark Hilton, and Joe Kiser; and State Senator Ken Moore.  

During his presentation, Congressman Charles Taylor indicated his appreciation for CSE by saying, "CSE plays a vital role in educating citizens and motivating them into action to become integral in limiting government in everyday life."  

CSE activists have been instrumental in safeguarding private property rights nationwide.

For more information on North Carolina CSE's campaign to educate citizens about their property rights, visit us at http://www.cse.org/states/publications.php?state_it=NC.


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